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World’s Tallest Man: Robert Wadlow

Born and raised in Alton, Illinois, Robert Pershing Wadlow was the tallest person in history reaching a height of 8ft 11.1 inches (2.720 metres) and weighing...

Biology: Earwax is Genetically Determined

There are two distinct genetically determined types of earwax (cerumen). The wet type, which is dominant, and the dry type, which is recessive. Asians...

The “G” in G-Spot

The Gräfenberg Spot, aka the “G-Spot”, is reported by many women to be an erogenous zone. However, disagreement persists among researchers over its existence as a...

The Immortal Jellyfish

A type of jellyfish – the turritopsis nutricula – has the potential to be immortal. The creature can revert to the polyp stage after...

Cancer Proof Naked Mole Rats

With its wrinkled skin and bucked teeth, the naked mole rat isn’t the prettiest of animals. But the burrowing, desert rodent is exceptional in...

Seeing Yellow

The colour yellow, when seen from a distance or when used with a dark background, is easiest to see, but when used alone, it is...

Polydactyly: Extra Digits

Polydactyly (from Ancient Greek (polus) “many” and (daktulos) “finger”) is a condition in which a person (or animal) has more than five fingers per hand or five...

Ice-Cream Headache (Brain Freeze)

An ice-cream headache, also known as brain freeze, cold-stimulus headache,or its given scientific name sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia (meaning “nerve pain of the sphenopalatine ganglion“), is a form of...
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