The Casanova Pattern: The Link Between Finger Length & Testosterone


Recent scientific studies have shown that the ratio between the index and ring finger may be linked to exposure to the male hormone testosterone in the womb. On average, men tend to have longer ring fingers and women longer index fingers. The higher the testosterone, the greater the length of the ring finger and the more “masculine” the child (male or female). The longest ring finger is known as the “Casanova pattern”, named after the infamous womanizer Giacomo Casanova.


Researchers at Cambridge University have found that finger length can point to success in the workplace. Traders with longer ring fingers made up to six times more than those whose ring fingers were relatively short. More prevalent in men, people with longer ring fingers tend to excel on the sports field, especially in running and football.  Scientists at the University of Bath found that children who had longer ring fingers are better with numbers-based subjects such as maths and physics, which are traditionally male favourites.


Initial research has shown that finger length may also help to predict certain types of cancer, autism, musical ability, social behaviour, and left-handedness.

(The IndependentWikiViewZone)