Home Observances


Festivus (For The Rest of Us)

Festivus is a secular holiday observed on December 23rd as a way to celebrate the holiday season without participating in its stress, religious aspects, or...

World Aids Day 2011

World AIDS Day is held on 1 December each year and is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV,...

Remembrance Day: November 11

Remembrance Day (also known as Poppy Day, Armistice Day and Veterans Day) is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth countries since the end of World War I to remember...

Halloween: 10 Interesting Factoids

1. The word Halloween first appeared in the 16th century and is a Scottish variant of All-Hallows-Even (“evening”), that is, the night before All Hallows Day. Although...

Blasphemy Day International

Blasphemy Day International is a day of observance in which individuals and groups are encouraged to openly express their criticism of, or even disdain for,...

International Lefthanders Day

August 13 is International Lefthanders Day. It was first observed on  August 14, 1976  to promote awareness of the inconveniences facing left-handers in a...

Geek Pride Day

Geek Pride Day is an initiative which claims the right of every person to be a nerd or a geek. Tim McEachern organized a Geek...
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